'Video pinturas / Video






'VP1. The rooms give us the form and it's shape receives the image of its knowledge'

The painting was made blindfolded by the painter Héctor Rentería in Biquini Wax a house unknown to him, which functions also as an art space. The next day, I entered the space and I made a tour that was recorded on video of his paint marks. Then I erase all traces of paint from the house. The video of the painted house was projected on the clean house. A video on every floor of the house.

Ongoing collaboration with visual artist Héctor Rentería. 

Action. Marks made blindly and recorded on video
Painting. Acrylic soap and water based pigment.
Video two channel projection
20' 00''

Biquini Wax CDMX, 2015





















The painting was done at midnight in the dark, in an unoccupied house used as an art space. The place was unknown to both of us, of which we had only seen photographs of the color of the floor of the place. Each one with a can of paint, the opposite color to that of the floor, advanced along the ground blindfolded, recognizing and marking the surface and leaving traces of paint by touch. The next day at noon, we entered the space marked by the other to go through it and register it. Then one erased the marks of the other with water. The video of both tours was projected on the floor together and in parallel.

Ongoing collaboration with visual artist Héctor Rentería. 

Action. Marks made blindly and recorded on video and instant photographs
Painting. Acrylic, water and soap based pigment

Otro Espacio, Guadalajara MX, 2019